Why should you use a travel agent?
In the age of what seems to be easy on-line travel planning, you may be thinking, why should I use a travel agent?
To help you answer that question here are several of my favorite reasons:
1. Who to call?
What would you do if the hotel has lost your reservation? What happens if you arrive at the airport and your flight is cancelled? Who are you going to call? Who's going to help you? The hotel? The airline?
If you book through Lone Palm Travel, all you have to do is make one phone call. I will do everything possible to ensure a stress free travel experience. Will the hotel assist your agent? Will the tour operator you're booked with assist your agent? Of course they will, because now they're dealing with someone who has the potential to send either hundreds of guests, or no guests at all. From a purely business perspective, a travel agency can send thousands of dollars (or even tens of thousands of dollars), or no dollars at all.
2. It is not just about price.
You look to travel agents to provide the best overall solution to your travel needs. By asking questions, a skilled and professional agent can provide relevant information as it pertains to you, because no two customers are alike. If your agent has specific knowledge of a particular destination, they can be helpful in recommending tours, things to see and do, places to shop, restaurants to try...
Lone Palm Travel is there for you even after you have already committed and paid your deposits. My service doesn't end upon booking.
3. Show me the money (I saved)
Saving money is not just about price - it is also about value. If the hotel is not the right location, if the beach isn't as good as you expected, if there are no children's activities as you thought there would be; it does not matter how much you saved. You can save a lot of money and be disappointed or spend a little more to be in heaven. Lone Palm Travel can recommend relevant offerings and also provide cost saving strategies such as changing a departure date, considering another hotel, being open to other flight options, etc., all of which can save you money. No one wants to pay more than necessary so Lone P
alm Travel will help you find the best value for your budget.
4. I already have a job!
If you have an agent that you trust then you don't need to spend what little free time you have scouring the web, trying to piece everything together - flights, rooms, etc. In addition, your agent might be working with a hotel or airline that you don't have the same access to. Lone Palm Travel has taken the time and made the commitment to be the best so you don't have to make planning your vacation a second job!